St. Joseph's Primary School
Parent Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA)
We have an active PTFA which organises social fundraising events for the families and children of our school and actively volunteer for the school regularly; such as helping out in school sports day, refreshments at various events throughout the year like First Holy Communion, Confirmation etc. They also organise and volunteer at the regular events held each year to assist with social fundraising throughout the school, together with any other events or matters to which they can support the school and the families of the pupils within the school.
It is an excellent way to bring together parents, teachers and our local community to raise money and to support the school. The PTFA provides an opportunity for everyone to work together towards a common goal. All parents, teachers and school staff can get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available.
A substantial amount of money has been raised over the past 3 years, since our current PTFA was established. The money raised helped the school to purchase ICT equipment to further enhance the learning experiences of all our pupils.
We have purchased 10 ipad Airs, a charging station and 3 Interactive Touch Panels.
Our PTFA also supported us in receiving an Awards for All grant for new outdoor play equipment. More recently our PTFA have created a new outdoor classroom.